Your handshake and facial expressions. Your eye contact and posture. An interviewer gauges your confidence, capability, professionalism and more based on nonverbal communication. Use these tips to make a great impression- and get that job:
Nonverbal Communication Does the Talking
Most of what we communicate doesn’t come through our words, but through our body language.
Move Well, Interview Well
Better posture, eye contact, and body language also helps us stay alert, pay attention, and communicate well during an interview.
Hold the Ball
When shaking hands, hold int interview’s hand like you’re holding a ball you’re preparing to throw– not so tightly you crush it, but not so loosely you drop it.
Make Space
A space of about two to three feet helps you and interviewer communiucate without feeling invaded.
Sit For Confidence
Sitting upright yet comfortably boosts energy and confidence. It communicates that you’re engaged and open to conversation.
Lean In
Leaning slightly forward indicates you’re interested in the conversation. Avoid leaning back, which can look too casual, or to the side, which signals discomfort.
Give Your Hands a Rest
Loosely clasp your hands on your lap or on the table in front of you. Still hands demonstrate confidence, fiddling or fidgeting implies nervousness and can distract the interviewer from your words.
Rest Your Legs, Too
Leg movement can be even more distracting than hand movement. Place both feet on the floor or cross your legs at the ankles.
Listen With Your Eyes
People tent to maintain eye contact for longer when speaking than with listening. Take small breaks by blinking, nodding, or looking where the interviewer indicates, such as at a document.
Think With Your Eyes, Not Your Face
Many people frown when concentrating. To avoid being mistaken for angry or frusterated, look away from the interviewer while you think. This communicates that you’re focused on the question, not the person who asked it.
Smile When You Mean It
It’s important to keep a straight face when considering a serious topic. But if the interviewer says something amusing or promising your impulse to smile may be the right one.
Be a Mirror
When in doubt, mirrir the posture of your interviwerer. Doing so indicates you are both “on the same page” mentally.
Take Advice
Nonverbal communication can be tough because we often cannot see what our own faces or bodies are doing. Rach out to a staffing recruiter for advice on imporving your nonverbal communication, acing your next interview, and finding your next job opportunity.
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